Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Cloud Formation Template I’m getting the following error when I deploy the CFN template. What am I doing wrong?

Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s):
Required Create Database on Catalog (Service: AWSGlue;
Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; ...)

Make sure to attach an IAM role with appropriate access to the CFN stack before deployment. Navigate to Lake Formation Catalog Settings and specify the principal that you’re using to launch the CFN template as a LF Admin.
Cloud Formation Template I am encountering a “missing KMS key” error. What am I doing wrong? You may have a KMS key that is in a deletion hold time-period. Cancel the deletion and set the status of the key to enabled.
Cloud Formation Template I received the following error. What am I doing wrong?

Invalid principal, arn: arn:aws:iam::[ACCOUNT]:user/lf-admin (Service: AWSLakeFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInputException; Request ID: [GUID]; Proxy: null)

This happens if you have previously configured lake formation with an admin user associated to an IAM principal which no longer exists. Navigate to Lake Formation Catalog Settings and remove that principal.
Cloud Formation Template Deleting the Cloud Formation template is failing? You may have to manually delete some resources that are created by Lambdas, or what you did in the manual steps. These can include VPCs, Subnets, Security Groups, Elastic Network Interfaces. Please delete these manually and then try deleting again. You might see messages like these:

The following resource(s) failed to delete: [VirtualPrivateCloud, SubnetAPublic, SecurityGroup].
The vpc 'vpc-XXXX' has dependencies and cannot be deleted. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: DependencyViolation; Request ID: XXX; Proxy: null)

Audience Can I use these demos with my customer or external parties? Yes. You should demonstrate Redshift to your customers and use this site as a way to stand-up an environment and for scripts on how to demonstrate different use-cases and functionality. However, you should NOT share this site with customers or external parties. This site is an internal enablement mechanism for the AWS team. If you want to leave your customer with a set of self-paced workshops, you can direct them to Redshift Immersion Workshops
Tutorial Can someone teach me how to use the site or the demos? Watch the video on Broadcast that teaches you how to go about using this site and the demos. Alternatively, the Redshift Specialist SA team holds regular office hours to teach attendees how to use these demos.
Content Where is the demo for X? The Redshift Specialist SA team is working to add demos over time. If you have suggestions or requests, please share them with the team (redshift-specialists-amer@). In the mean while, you can go through other Redshift and Analytics resources here and see if your topic is available
Security Is the S3 Bucket created by the Cloud Formation template secure? The template pulls from a properly whitelisted S3 Bucket and creates an S3 Bucket in your repo and that repo is not made publicly accessible by the template
Security Is the site publicly accessible? No. You must be authenticated on Midway to see this page
Phonetool How do I get the Phonetool? Fill out the survey here and once a month we review and award the phonetool.
Future Sessions How do I get notified of the next sessions? Is there a mailing list? Yes, join our Gather group here and RSVP to specific upcoming sessions under that group.
Past Sessions How do I get the videos of the past sessions? Go here for past office hours when we launched the demos.
DMS When to use Database Migration service vs Amazon Glue for CDC (ongoing data changes)? DMS is a replication service which will copy changed data near real time to target server based on transaction log of source server. DMS set up is very straight forward task and you can choose options like full data load only or full data load and ongoing changes (Table level or Database level). DMS will be a better option if straight data copy between source and target is required. Since DMS is replication service, it can put some load on the source database. Glue is more for batch ingestion. Glue Jobs can be scheduled to run off peak hours to avoid any resource contention on source database. Glue will be better option if complex data transformation is required before loading data to target server. Click here to identify and troubleshoot errors in DMS. Click here to restart a DMS Task to reload a table.

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